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 The new role of technology management 

     We are in an old industry where the process has stayed the same in principle for centuries.  There have always been the production stages of prepress, printing, finishing, distribution and marketing.  Mainly due to information technology, our environment is subject to quick change.  This applies to all the phases of operations.  The end result has been lacking of up-to-date education among technical people, including executives and decision-makers.

     Before the advent of computers and information technology, it was sufficient to regard the whole production process as a sequence of separate stages, each optimized to the existing limitations of technology.  Today the paradigm has changed.  The thinking is: “How can we best serve our customer and even his customer in a way that gives me the best return on investment capital?”  This implies total simultaneous optimization of the process.

     A good way of tackling this problem is to consider as a system.  Once customer-related parameters have been fixed (including quality and reliability of deliveries) it is logical to go back in the production process in reverse order seeking the most-cost-effective finishing or mailroom technology.  The same evaluation should be done about printing and prepress stages.  Their systems as such consist of machines, software, organizations and individual people.

     A good printer should have an optimization model in his/her mind or in his planning computers containing all the market and process factors mentioned above.  It is not a linear model optimizing the whole process in a straightforward technical way.  Choices at each stage of the process impinge on other stages.  It is no use to optimize the printing quality if this quality cannot be maintained in normal production conditions.  The stability and repeatability of the process are thus of utmost importance.

     Twenty years ago the main focus of management was the direction of a large organization consisting of manually skilled people, normally with a long history of apprenticeship.  Now a primary factor is the choice of systems and training people to use them in five-year intervals.  To do its job properly, management must be able to scan the environment for good solutions to technical problems.  It must be competent to choose among alternatives in an intelligent way.  The organizations and people must be trained continuously to use new systems.  Talking into account the human motivating factors is important in the whole process.  A bit paradoxically, it is perhaps the most important sector in the new expanding role of technology management.

     Modern management of technology means knowing customer needs and requirements in great detail; searching and evaluating technology to serve those needs; quick implementation ahead of the competition: training and motivation’ running a stabile robust process; and starting all over again every three to five years.  

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